Sunday, August 31

Happy Birthday Malaysia, May You Not Get Anymore Racist Than You Have To Be!

Today, well, I meant yesterday YF was a blast! Although the worship was a bit... awkward? Heh, it's allright Matthew, you're still the man!

Haha, the ice breaker game was a bit...monopolized? By right, PJGH should have won because there were more Subang people hence there will be more choices to target. So technically, you had more than 70% chances of winning. But noooooooo, you wanna be anti-social. Pfft! HAHA
Where was I then, you might asked? Well, I would gladly played that game if there were more question papers available. Heh, at least that means that we had a good turn out. No thanks to us though.

Then there was talent time! Heh! Basically we had to put up a skit in 10 minutes with special "bonuses" thrown in. Like only can converse in BM, speak out every line in a Chinese Opera way and blah blah blah. All good fun. Ben Phua solo too much.... bleh~
Shame on the group 6 which had like at least 5 people who are involved in acting frequently or attended the Drama Workshop.

Too bad I left early for dinner at Uncle Chee Leong's gi-normous house. Fwah~ overload with steamboat and plenty of other stuff. And yes, more political talk here and there and the rich people talk. Their Rottweiler is sooo cute but of course a disgrace to his kind as Aunty Happy puts it. Ooooh! Ooooh! I saw a 30k Ringgit tree! Apparently some rich retired lawyer bought the whole land just to plant that tree....

Oh well, have a nice Merdeka Celebration!

Bulan 5 aku dilahirkan
Di sebuah negeri yang diberi nama
Selepas itu aku dibesarkan
Aku belajar di sekolah orang putih
Dekat dengan Pasir Puteh
Saya Anak Malaysia
Saya Anak Malaysia
Saya Anak Malaysia
Saya Anak Malaysia
Lepas sekolah aku merayau
Negeri mat saleh aku merantau
Tempat orang indah sekali
Tapi MALAYSIA dekat di hati
Saya Anak Malaysia
Saya Anak Malaysia
Saya Anak Malaysia
Saya Anak Malaysia
Sampai masa aku pun balik
Tapi makweku nampak pelik
Dia kata nak jadi apa
Aku kata itu Tuhan punya kuasa
Saya Anak Malaysia
Saya Anak Malaysia
Saya Anak Malaysia
Saya Anak Malaysia
Lemah lembut sopan santun
Sudah menjadi darah dagingku
Walaupun aku nampaknya kutu
Aku hormat orang tuaku
Saya Anak Malaysia
Saya Anak Malaysia
Saya Anak Malaysia
Saya Anak Malaysia

Happy 51st Birthday, Malaysia!
Ooooh~ Subang girls were cute! Gosh! What am I doing?! "Thanks" Jun Yu!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wth, just came across your blog criticise me adi haha. Well, my fault la, trying to kill time as we had 15 mins, and I thought( our skit was abit short la), "Aiya, just hentam la, got so much time" xD.

I Love You Especially