Back aches, that was for sleeping on the floor with Zoe's Chem reference book on my head.
You might have heard, I didn't really study for Chem. Well, if you call studying from 12 am to 2 am then sleep untill 4 30 am then study again untill 6 am, "studying". Ok lor, I did. But you know what, I created a theory by doing so.
You might have heard, I didn't really study for Chem. Well, if you call studying from 12 am to 2 am then sleep untill 4 30 am then study again untill 6 am, "studying". Ok lor, I did. But you know what, I created a theory by doing so.
(You have permission to ignore the next few lines if you want to.)
The Theory of How To Study Lazily yet Smartly for SPM only (since the standard is low).
Pros: Get to be lazy, sleep a lot, study once, and know it all.
Cons: EXTREMELY RISKY ( There's a danger you won't absorb anything, you might fall asleep studying, you might fall asleep during the exams, you might fail in the end.)
Here's how it works, sleep the whole day before exams, then you will feel like studying at night when you're natural sleeping hormones kicks in. In a way, you become tired yet fresh. Kinda makes no sense right?
Simpler words, you're mind's too tired untill you can't resist the facts and logic. Hence, you absorb and also understand the facts faster. Or Johann puts it, principle of Osmosis: The less you know, the more you'll absorb. But then you're body is fresh, so you can study effectively for a few solid hours. Then sleep for a few minutes but not too long. Then wake up (if you can) and start studying again. Somehow sleeps helps in memorising. Proven by science.
Please note that this is a theory is totally experimental (yeah, I'm my own guinea pig) and may not work for most of us (including me). I can only prove this theory works when I get my SPM results.
Yeah, I know most of you (if not all) are thinking I'm really the laziest person alive. But sometimes, hard work is not the only way to succeed. But yeah, it sure helps. A Lot!
Today was yet another fulfilling day of SPM (yay! 3 more days to go!). Chemistry paper 1 is surprisingly easy. Even Jun Yu would have no problem getting 40 out of 50. Paper 2 was ok only la. Not to hard yet not so easy (I got owned by putting ethanoic acid instead of urine for the question on how to heal sting ray sting).
Lunch was yet another hectic rush like on Tuesday. Only more chaotic.
Yeah, Jon Wee and bigger Co. ( Keen King, PenYU, Whye Shon, Yang Yang, Zhuo Wei(dunno how spell his name), Qi Xian and Wen Jun) went to Chinese restaurant to eat. Wonderful ain't we? Food was great untill it came to the bill. RM 112.40. Lol, some of us were waving empty wallets when we came out. But thats not the excitement.
The excitement started when the lady forgotten our order of fried chickens. When it finally arrived, the time shows 10 minutes before 2 p.m. Which means we have 10 minutes to eat and get back before the exam actually starts!
And eat we did. You could swear a vacuum cleaner was there, and surprisingly, we finish the whole 20 pieces of delicious and hot (temperature hot) fried chicken in 5 minutes WITHOUT the help of the FOOD INHALER SAW WHYE SHON (he claimed he was fulled. First time we witness the black hole is full). We are dang amazing.
Then we rushed to the 4WD Pajero (Qi Xian was driving), and all 8 of us crammed into the vehicle. Me, Jun Yu and Wen Jun was like squatting in the boot. No seats.
When we reached the school gates, all the students were already in the examination hall!
Yeah, so that meant more running and skipping (What the...? Skipping?!). So as Keen King claimed that skipping reduces the amount of energy output and quickens the pace.
Miraculously, we still manage to arrive in the hall in time before they lock us out. Champions of the day. Everyone around me was staring at me, well... at us. Thinking, where in the galaxy did we drop out from? Pluto?
Thank God for a sympathetic invigilator who kindly turn on a fan near me. :D
So yeah, after all that drama, we were rewarded with a dumb experiment to construct.
"Construct an experiment to investigate the reactivity of Lithium, Sodium and Potassium with water."
If you thought it could not possibly be any easier, they went ahead and gave the observation too. Well done, Lembaga peeps. You succeeded in bringing a whole new level to the word DUMB.
Oh well, I think Jun Yu can get his A for Chem now. Weeeeee, remember belanja your good friend here Chili's with your RM 1000.oo reward money for getting A in Chemistry. *winks*
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