Thursday, October 23

Sadness of Life...

Imagine you are single-handedly bringing up two young children. Your partner is a drinker. You need the money to get by. So you decided to sign up with maid service agency. Then you're off to a foreign country far away, to work for people you can't communicate well with. Your hopes and dreams for a better life for your children is weighing heavily on you and that gives you the courage and motivation to be willing work hard.

You came into your new employer's home. Life is hard and trying because of the language barrier, so learning to do things are difficult. But you're willing to work hard: whether it is the chores or learning the language because you need the money. You were taught the skills to take care of your employer's handicap child. You actually care for that handicap child. You slowly but surely formed a bond of love with that child. You start to think you're going to make it. Your hope is shining radiantly.

Suddenly, the bom drops. Your medical test fail. You can't work anymore and you were only there for a week. You are going to be sent back home with your hopes and dreams crushed to the ground. You will need to start anew assuming you can get over yourself.

This is what my new maid, Chan Tou is facing right now. Please pray for her to have the courage to continue living life. I couldn't possibly phantom the suffering she will be enduring when she returns home. All I can do now is pray. Well it is the best solution after all. I'm sure God has a better plan for her.

1 comment:

Johann said...

just one of my little pet peeves.
but it's fathom. not phantom.

I Love You Especially