Saturday, March 7

Back from outer space? More like inner space.

So much lessons learn, friendship made, laughs shared, tears shed, thoughts expressed... and all for what?
Life, of course!
RBS was an AWESOME experience. It's time now to live out the experience.
I am not holier now, I am more sinful than ever.


I realised that the above was not really a fitful description of RBS.
So after reviewing some of my friends' blogs I was peer pressured into this:

What RBS meant to me:
Or what I learn:
Notes: This is not all there is to RBS, these are just some. There are just too much...

I learnt what it takes to be a real man, a leader.... with emotions/compassion.

I learnt to speak no evil, smell no evil, see no evil, hear no evil and think no evil. Or at least try to do them.

I learnt that everyone is just ordinary untill we get to know them.

I learnt to be serious at times... I'm serious...

I learnt that I should put more trust in the circle of close friends I have.

I learnt that God is closer than I thought, all I had to do is lift a finger.

I learnt that every moment is a gift from God. It is His present for us.

I learnt that I can accomplish anything through Christ who gives me strength.
(Yes the flag is fake but it still carries its meaning)

I learnt that I have a great mission team called Glasgow!

Thank You RBS, for giving me the opportunity to learn...
PS: noticed there are less girls in the photos eventhough the girls outnumbered the boys? That proves it, guys are just better posers than girls. Just kidding!

GOD Bless!

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