Tuesday, June 2

It's been awhile...

Hello World!

Long time no blog. Guess I did not have the mood to blog. But it's funny why I am blogging now, since I have an assignment and presentation due tomorrow, my mid-term exams are next week, I need to memorize my script by this Sunday and it's been 2 weeks since that day.

College has been hard on me and honestly speaking, eventhough I am constantly surrounded by a bunch of new friends, I still feel alone. It's OK, I'm getting numb to it. 

At least last Sat I had a lovely break from reality. :D Canticle Singers were AWESOME. I'm so gonna get a pony tail! And I really sound weird on digital form, or maybe my brain just project my voice differently. Really, I sound like an Ah Beng. T___T  I need a new voice box... wonder if I can get it from the Body Shop. HAHA lame joke really.

In the mean time, have a limited edition picture of moi

Ok, that's all for now.

Have a nice day.

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